The advantage of carpet tiles is that they are not fixed to the floor and…
All Clean on the Home Front
Homemade Cleaning Solutions Which Will Save You Money
No matter how effective they are, toxic commercial cleaners are harmful to your family and your pets. Indeed, cleaning with eco-friendly products will reduce pollution and keep your home free of toxicity. Oh, and did I mention that they’ll save you money?
Effective, green cleaning products which will save you a couple of bucks? Sounds like a bargain! Where do we begin?
Take a look at these homemade methods for ridding your carpets of some common stains.
Grease Stains:
If you’ve ever tried to get a grease stain out of your carpet then you know that it’s no laughing matter. However, the days of bursting into tears every time a KFC drumstick hits the rug are over.
First of all, grab your good friend then tin of baking soda and sprinkle it out over the stain, leave it to sit over night, and then vacuum it the next morning. That was the easy part. Next, whip up this amazing solution in a spray bottle:
- 1 teaspoon mild liquid dishwashing soap
- ¼ white vinegar
- 2 cups of lukewarm water
- 2 drops tea tree essential oil
- 3 drops lavender essential oil
Shake it up and spray the solution onto the grease stain. Proceed to blot the stain with a clean, damp cloth, and repeat until the stain has been removed.
Chocolate Stains:
Grubby toddlers with chocolate fingers are no longer a threat to your carpets. Phew, isn’t that a relief? Here’s what you need to do if one of those little terrors proceeds to rub a Caramello Bear into your carpets:
Combine equal parts of warm water and vegetable glycerine. Dip a sponge in the solution and dab the stain. Once you have sponged the stain rinse it with warm water and blot the patch dry. If the stain remains then repeat the process.
Coffee, Tea and Alcohol Stains
Spilt on your carpets? Not to worry, simply soak a sponge in soda water and then blot the stain. The stain should come out, but if it doesn’t then make us of your new carpet cleaning solution as seen above.
You are now armed with an effective carpet cleaning solution. Follow the processes listed above and repeat them until you reach the desired result. Ensure that you rid your home of toxic commercial cleaning products and incorporate the use of effective, homemade cleaning solutions in order to keep your home environment free of toxicity, yet still sparkling and clean.